Saturday, December 5, 2009

One fish with two faces

It was impossible to stop creating new animals. So I continued with a fish. The differenece from before is that fish eyes and mouth were created using embroidery. Different faces are created, on one side the fish is nice and on the other side is bad. It is actually interesting to change moods as pleased just by changing one side to another.


  1. Sviđa mi se ovo što radiš. Da li je u nazivu bloga tipfeler (cratfs) ili je tako namjerno (mislim da je engleski to neizgovorljivo, ali možda drukčije nisi mogla registrirati blog)?

  2. Jooj, ne mogu vjerovati da sam napravila tipfeler. Stvarno nisam htjela, ali eto desilo se :) Hvala ti na ispravci, pogledat ću šta se može napravti...
